Elite Sports – How To Remain Mentally Strong And Consistently Confident Under Pressure?

Elite Sports - How to Remain Mentally Strong and Consistently Confident Under Pressure? What People Say About Working With Denise

2023-04-11T15:59:39+01:00April 11th, 2023|

Sports Shoes and Equipment for Girls and Young Mums in Uganda to Play Netball

Together we made it happen, girls and young Mums leading better lives, growing and developing through sport, our wonderful game of netball. During the Christmas break, eight packages arrived in Kampala, Uganda, containing over 80 pairs of sports shoes, netball rings, netball bibs, [...]

2022-04-13T11:47:00+01:00January 25th, 2022|

How to navigate blindspots or do the best you can when you feel terrible?

INSIGHT allows us to create a new reality rather than the need to change and control our current one! This can be described as a rise in Consciousness, such that the old reality is rendered obsolete. Problems that existed before the insight are now gone; things look entirely different - how [...]

2021-07-19T13:38:07+01:00July 19th, 2021|

Disappointment doesn’t mean disaster

One insight and every part of my life changed without effort. What appeared a complete disaster in my sporting life, one moment of profound realisation and a more hopeful path, was illuminated. In 2013, I did not complete a six-year project and role of National Coach for Scotland (Netball) for the Glasgow Commonwealth Games in 2014. Four [...]

2021-06-10T12:47:43+01:00June 10th, 2021|

Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining – Even the Covid Pandemic!

The lockdown has changed our lives in many ways, but not all bad; I've made the most amazing connections on-line, with beautiful people all over the world. In particular, I became inspired by a project in Uganda called "A Future a Girl", established to help girls lead a better life. I wanted to help but [...]

2021-03-16T13:31:45+00:00March 16th, 2021|

Whose Mind Would You Rather Not Be in Right Now?

This week the world has witnessed Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, express their pain and heartache experienced over the past few years. The Royal Family have responded, clearly saddened by what the royal couple has gone through and wish to resolve their differences, not publicly but privately as any family would prefer! [...]

2021-03-16T10:43:53+00:00March 13th, 2021|
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