Take power back over your mind and break the painful shackles that keep you stuck.
Early January, I went into partnership with the local Chamber of Commerce to offer a six-session online program called “Manage Your Mind to Enhance Productivity and Creativity during Challenging Times”.
I was delighted to gain the Chamber’s support and respect on this collaboration and felt genuinely thrilled about the potential to work with such a diverse group of people. During the next few days, between my website manager, and the Chamber, we prepared the graphics and content. We launched the event, clearly detailing all the transformational benefits on offer to peoples’ lives.
The five weeks from inception to the start of the program flew by, and each day I grew more excited by the possibility for members to gain more clarity and suffer less with uncertainty all around. A day before the training; I learned that no-one had signed up, and the event was cancelled.
Before I came across this understanding of the human mind, I would have been devasted and embarrassed by this lack of interest, even annoyed, given the amount of work by the Chamber staff and the discounted fees. Days, even weeks would have passed, with me harbouring destructive thinking. My children would ask what’s wrong with you, Mum, and I would tell them, oh, nothing just something at work, but they would miss my enthusiastic spirit around the house.
Nowadays, my response is so different. I can honestly say that I read the e-mail, and thought, that’s such a shame. That was it, except for a moment of sadness for everyone’s effort to create the program. I didn’t give it a second thought, and not because I didn’t care, quite the opposite. Insight into the mind’s power to create experience allows me to live more freely and not create drama inside my head, which steals valuable time.
The imagination can give us a run around, lots of stories like people don’t see the value or respect my work, all completely arbitrary. Fortunately, I remained neutral, connected to my innate resilience. Before long, I created another on-line program coaching thirty-three young people to understand that their well-being is built into the human psychological system. Before my realisations, that wouldn’t have been possible, and thirty-three young souls would have gone untouched, as I picked myself up.

You may have experienced similar setbacks in your business or personal life, and had similar responses, despondency, frustration, maybe even anger.
It’s quite normal; most people don’t get to see how experience truly works for all of us, i.e. resilience is one thought away. With insight as to how life works, you take power back over your mind. When I discovered there were no takers for the program, I didn’t lose any living minutes in states of mind that were unproductive and painful. I have realised that someone or something cannot put a feeling in me; it doesn’t work that way. It takes a bit of seeing like getting a joke; you cannot unsee it, the insight is yours forever. Old habits of insecure thinking may creep back in, but like bad guests at a party, you politely offer them the back door. The next time you hit tough times, I invite you to get curious about how you eventually got over things in the past; nothing changed outside, but everything’s different on the inside. What’s that about – well worth a look!