Why would sportspeople want to look in the direction of understanding the formless nature of life and experience? What is the potential impact on performance results when you start to understand how the human mind works? As a former contestant on the BBC show ‘Gladiators’ Rudi shares how his mental stamina was not on par with his physical prowess, which leads him to grossly under-achieve. Nowadays, as an international speaker, Rudi talks about “unconditionality” meaning that we have the potential not to be bothered by our feeling states, and perform regardless of what is going on in our head.” A knowing which is “revolutionary to our wellbeing”. All humans have an innate psychological immune system which if left alone does well at equalising us.

Rudiger Kennard

While training as a track and field athlete, Rudi attained a Sports Science Hons Degree. He later became a personal trainer and fitness coach. It was around this time that Rudi appeared as a contestant on the TV show ‘Gladiators’ which lead him to study many mental performance strategies like NLP, clinical hypnosis and mindfulness.

Fourteen years ago Rudi came across an understanding of the nature of experience termed the three principles and since then has given training in over a dozen countries, spoken at International conferences, on the radio and served many populations from corporate executives to school children and jail inmates.