Sports Shoes and Equipment for Girls and Young Mums in Uganda to Play Netball

Together we made it happen, girls and young Mums leading better lives, growing and developing through sport, our wonderful game of netball. During the Christmas break, eight packages arrived in Kampala, Uganda, containing over 80 pairs of sports shoes, netball rings, netball bibs, [...]

2022-04-13T11:47:00+01:00January 25th, 2022|

Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining – Even the Covid Pandemic!

The lockdown has changed our lives in many ways, but not all bad; I've made the most amazing connections on-line, with beautiful people all over the world. In particular, I became inspired by a project in Uganda called "A Future a Girl", established to help girls lead a better life. I wanted to help but [...]

2021-03-16T13:31:45+00:00March 16th, 2021|
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