The Route to Enhanced Performance in Life and Work

A transformative coaching program to take power back over your mind!

Desperate for your life to change but don’t know how to make it happen?

Whatever your inspirations; get over the loss of a loved one, manage financial uncertainty, resolve a conflict, get that promotion or fulfil a lifelong ambition; it involves the human mind, which at times can be tricky!

As a former national athlete and coach, I have seen the power of the human mind to either smash a result out of the park or fail miserably at the first hurdle. Intense emotions steal your clarity, ruin your enjoyment, and sabotage your results, and it doesn’t have to be that way!

Optimal functioning in every part of your life begins with understanding how human beings operate; the system governs every aspect of your perception, decisions, and behaviours.

When you feel down, you don’t do very well; your energy drops, your mood gets low, and your aches and pains more apparent. You can’t change out there or the past, but you can learn about your internal landscape, how to free your psychology and live with a beautiful sense of presence and joy.

As you embrace our changing world, don’t let lack of direction or motivation get in the way of you leading your best life – I can help you!

How I help you?

As a National Coach, I realised the ultimate jewel of human performance is not to give advice based on my knowledge and experience but to unlock your unique potential and genius inside. I will help you to:

  • Learn to manage your mind, emotions, energy and body in a way that serves you and those you love.
  • Heighten your self-awareness that you catch yourself before causing suffering that you might later regret.
  • Understand your tendencies for reactions in specific situations, break the cycle of limiting habitual behaviours.
  • Know that it is OK to feel anxiety, without believing it has the power to stop you from stepping up!
  • Realise the power of being present to each moment, free of memories and future projections.

Which of these following perspectives do you most resonate and how often is your mind pre-occupied, stealing your clarity and joy?

  • Stop, don’t ruminate about something that hasn’t happened yet.

  • Someone has wronged you, and it feels impossible to move on.

  • Grief and loss are painful feelings, which steal your energy.

  • It’s stressful when things don’t happen the way you want them!

  • You convince yourself you are right, yet others don’t agree with you!

  • You feel alone not having a significant other to share your path.

  • Your relationship is in tatters, but you think it isn’t your fault.

  • Your mood swings are intense, fuelled by regrets and feeling undeserving.

  • You yearn for a sense of achievement, but nothing satisfies you!

  • You’d like to change your life or career but don’t know where to start?

Sydney Banks

If we can get together and help the youth see the simplicity of life, see that they have this beauty inside of them, to see they have this power within them, the youth will grow up very very wise, and this world will change and become a far far better place to live in.

Sydney Banks

The Route to Enhanced Performance in Life and Work

A transformative coaching program to take power back over your mind!

A Six Month Transformative Training Program (In person and online)

  • Your Investment in YOU includes:
  • Three private immersion training days, (two 90-minute coaching sessions per day)
  • Month One: 3 x One hour weekly sessions.
  • Month Two & Three - One hour bi-weekly sessions
  • Month Four, Five and Six - Monthly One hour sessions
  • All resources & digital downloads included
  • Reasonable What's App & e-mail access to support your project and inspirations

You can do nothing and expect change to happen or take action and guarantee a new way of life. All programs come with a 100% client satisfaction guarantee.

Registration & Booking Conditions

Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed

All programs come with a customer satisfaction guarantee; it's my inspiration to create a beautiful space for insights to occur; if you feel that we need a few more sessions together, these are on me! Once a program starts, it should be completed.

Embrace all opportunities for learning – Your Role – All-in Mindset

The nature of the work is to point you inwards towards understanding the human mind's role to create an experience. With profound realisations (insights), your life will be impacted in a whole new and beautiful way, living and training from clarity and innate inspirational strength rather than limitation or concern. To maximise your investment, I strongly suggest you take the six weeks for yourself, with ample time after each coaching session for quiet reflection.  I may recommend additional resources and YouTube videos; I trust that I have your total commitment to complete any assignments.

Legal Disclaimer

The educational information provided by Denise Holland does not intend to replace professional health care by any health care provider. Information contained in the program is intended solely for educational purposes. Although this education improves general mental and physical wellbeing, it is not a specific treatment of a particular diagnosis. Given the educational model, we provide a student-teacher relationship based on our educational expertise rather than a healthcare provider-patient relationship. Always seek the advice of a health care provider for diagnosis and treatment of any medical condition.

What People Say About Working With Denise

Amelia Davies

Denise’s new approach is great for teamwork, we don’t get upset with each other anywhere near as much, and get over disappointments quickly.

Amelia Davies
Third Year Student - The University of Kent, Sports and Exercise for Health

Hannah Salem

I used to struggle to remain calm and confident in stressful situations, what others think of me, what would happen if I did something wrong? We are all capable of achieving, no part of our abilities is lacking! This programme has truly changed me for the best and is perfect during my final year of University.

Hannah Salem
Third Year Student - The University of Kent - Sports Therapy

Jack Pransky

Denise Holland is one of my best “students.” She is one of the few students I have asked to teach with me, and I was and remain very impressed with her presence, her knowledge, her wisdom, her feeling and her responsiveness. I would say anyone who works with Denise is in excellent hands.

Jack Pransky

Mark Harris

I reached out to Denise when my world seemed to be falling apart. I had recently received a diagnosis of two different types of cancer; my son was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and had little time to live. I did not know how to process all of this, and my mental state spiralled! Within ten minutes of quiet time with Denise, I felt everything lifting from my shoulders and a feeling of calm settling in its place. Working with Denise has given me a deeper understanding and knowledge of the mind, it keeps me on a healthy path not only in general day-to-day life but as a life skill in my work environment and sport. Forever grateful to you, Denise.


Mark Harris

Floyd Woodrow MBE

Denise is impressive in her abilities by any standard. Her ability to teach and develop those around her, mark her out as someone with exceptional leadership and coaching skills. I constantly seek advice and counsel from her and trust her implicitly.

Floyd Woodrow MBE
Chairman and CEO of Chrysalis Worldwide

Adam Ashe

Denise has the skills and experience to wake people up to deeper knowledge about themselves. In the sporting arena, this knowledge happens to be crucially important.

Adam Ashe
Professional Rugby Player – Glasgow Warriors

Harriet Bonner-Leney

I enjoyed this course very much as it improved my shooting technique and accuracy dramatically. I learned that you do not have to be controlled by your negative thoughts because they are not you.

Harriet Bonner-Leney
Age 12

Charles Mayhew

After a close family member benefitted hugely, I decided to work with Denise. It transformed my perspective and how I now live my life, clear-minded and knowing what’s truly important to me, which is so relaxing and enriching. I used to live in a place of “It’ll be better when”, so I was never present. “When I’ve sold the business..!” “When I’ve retired..!” When I’ve bought this house or car etc…..!” This program has given me my life back!

Charles Mayhew
Dad, Husband, Entrepreneur, and Sports Coach

Lesley MacDonald

Denise has a tremendous understanding of how to achieve elite performance in sport. Her contagious enthusiasm is motivating and inspires you to the next level

Lesley MacDonald
Scotland National Netball Athlete (107 caps)

Charlie Harris

Before I took part in Denise’s Health and Well Being programme, I stressed in many situations; it would prevent me from taking part in different things. I now look at the situations holistically and not let thoughts prevent me from putting myself forward.

Charlie Harris
2nd-year student – The University of Greenwich – Forensic science with Criminology Student

Nadia McMillian

I am so grateful to have worked with Denise, I used to float in and out of different moods and believed it was other things and situations causing them. Honestly, this understanding has changed my life.

Nadia McMillian
Third Year Student - The University of Kent, Sport and Exercise Science.

Stuart Lancaster

I appreciate the support Denise gave me when I was transitioning into my new role at Leinster and helping me understand how to ‘free my mind!

Stuart Lancaster
Senior Coach Leinster Rugby – Former England Rugby Coach

Vicky Norman

Meeting Denise was perfect timing, written in the stars, foretold, whatever. My world was falling apart, my marriage had ended, my child was in serious trouble, and I was upping sticks and moving up North to run the biggest, most complex project of my career.
Four months later, my project is an astonishing success, my marriage is back on track, and best of all, my baby is coming back to me. I am different at work, at home, inside my head, and others can see it. The dark days aren’t dark any more because they don’t last, and the light days are far more frequent. Denise’s workj isn’t just amazing in the world of sport but any area of life.

Vicky Norman
Implementation Manager

Richard Pybus

Denise has been instrumental in my evolving understanding of the Three Principles and how they specifically apply in high-performance sport. Her insightful and intuitive way of working has challenged and deepened my fundamental understanding of all human performance. I’ll always be appreciative of her significant role in my development as a performance director and coach.

Richard Pybus
Founder & CEO Optimal Performance - Former Director of Cricket - West Indies Cricket Board

Grayson Hart

I enjoyed speaking with Denise about the mind and performance. The conversations were very insightful and always had me challenging and questioning the status quo regarding mental performance. The critical pointer Denise gave was that our natural state is freedom of mind, clarity and potential. We don’t need to overexert the mind to find these states. Searching for them often leads us further into tension. I found this very relatable to direct experiences in life and sport.

Grayson Hart
Scotland International Rugby Player - London Scottish FC

Matthew Roberts

I was fortunate enough to have a conversation with Denise over a cup of coffee when we met in America. It would be easy to accuse me of exaggeration or sensationalising by making the following statement, but I can only offer you the truth as I see it. The truth is that those few minutes changed my life. I had spent the last 15 years pursuing peak performance, competing internationally in the High jump and achieving a lifetime best of 2.26m. Through my love of this sport, I became a seeker, wanting to uncover the truth of the mind and how to reach that flow state. I’m not saying that I’m now enlightened, but I know that a beautiful, peaceful, loving state is only one thought away, for that, you have my complete and utter gratitude.”


Matthew Roberts
England International High Jumper who came back from breaking his neck!